human digestive gland

Salivary gland :

salivari glands are found on thi lining of buccal cavity.these are tiny salivari glands.there are more three large salivary glands which are compound racemose in nature.they are;

parotid gland: these are largest salivary glands situated on either side of face just below external auditory meatus.each gland open into mouth by parotid duct(stenson's duct).

submandibular gland: they lie on each side of face under the angle of jaw.the two submandibular duct opens into mouth cavity on each side of frenulum of tongue through wharton's duct.

sublingual ducts: these glands lie below the tongue .they have numerous small ducts(ducts of rivinus),opening in the floor of mouth.

The glands are highly branched and consists of a number of lobules made up of small alveoli lined with secretory cells.the glands are supplied with parasympathetic and sympathetie nerve fibres.

the secretion of salivary gland is called is alkaline,close to neutral contains water,minerals,salts,mucus,lysozymes,immunoglobins,blood clotting factors,lysosome,maltase,lipase,calatase,protease etc.


The Pancreas lies ventral to the stomach and has both endocrine and exocrine function. so it is called mixed gland or heterocrine gland.exocrine part of pancrease contains pancreatic acini which secretes pancreatic juice and enzymes and pour into pancreatic duct, which merges with hepatic duct from the liver to form common hepato-pancreatic that enters the duodenum throuch spinchter of oddi. Pancreatic juice (enzymes) complete the digestion of carbohydrates and proteins and initiate the digestion of lipids.Trypsin, carboxypeptidaze and chymotrypsin digest protein into lower molecular weight containing peptide and amino acids.Lipases convert triglycerides into  glycerol and free fatty acids. Amylase converts polysaccharides(higher sugar) into disaccharides and monosaccharides.The pancreas also secretes bicarbonate hco3-- ions that help neutralize the acidic food residue coming from the stomach. Bicarbonate raises the pH from 2 to 7 for pancreatic enzymes to work.


1.hormone insulin produced by pancreatic islets help in metabolism of 2.carbohydrate.pancreatic uice being acidic increase the ph of acidic chyme in small intestine.

3.pancreatic juice help in digestion of proteins,carbohydrates and fats.


The liver, the largest organ in mammalian body and also the largest gland. it lies  under the diaphragm in abdominal cavity. In the liver millions of specialized cells i.e hepatic cells or hepatocytes .

in liver there is process of  removal of amino acids from organic compounds. There occurs urea formation from proteins and conversion of excess amino acids into urea to decrease body level of ammonia. There occurs  manufacture of most of plasma proteins, formation of fetal erythrocytes, and destruction of worn out erhythrocytes and synthesis of blood clotting agents prothrombin and Fibrinogin from amino acids.liver also synthesize non essential ammino acids.

there occurs conversion of galactose and fructose to glucose, oxidation of fatty acids , formation of lipoproteins, cholesterol and phospholipids (essential cell membrane components). there occurs conversion of carbohydrates and proteins into fat. liver modify waste products, toxic drugs and poisons (detoxification).liver synthesize vitamin-a from  carotene. liver along with kidney activate vitamin-d.It maintain the body temperature by increasing the temperature of blood passing through it perform many metabolic activity,it is the largest heat producing organ of liver,occurs the manufacture of salts which are used in the small intestine for emulsification and absorption of simple fats, lipid and lipoprotein.Liver stores glucose in the form of glycogen and by  the help of insulin hormone  and enzymes, converts glycogen back into glucose when body needs it. Liver also stores fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) and minerals such as iron. Liver can also store fats and amino acids and convert them into usable glucose as required. liver can store vitamins and minerals for six months.liver is also haemopoetic organ and site of phagosytosis.

Gall bladder is a small organ near the liver. Gall bladder stores greenish fluid called bile that the hepatic  cells continuously produce. Bile is  alkaline and contains pigments, cholesterol, lecithin, mucin, bilirubin and bile salts that act as deterents to emulsify fats from them into droplets suspended in water and aid in fat digestion and absorption.

Gastric glands

 gastric glands are found in the mucosa of stomach wall.they are numerous,simple or branched and microscopic.they are of three types :

1.cardiac gland: they secrete mucus and found in cardiac stomach.

2.pyloric gland: they secrete mucus and found in pyloric stomach.

3.fundic gland: they are found in findic region of stomach and contaon 4 cells:

  • peptic/zymogen cells: secrete pepsinogen,prorenin,lipase.
  • oxyntic cells: they secrete hcl and called parietal cells.
  • goblet cells: they secrete mucus
  •  argentafin cells : they secrete gastric hormone

 Intestinal glands: they are fund in lining of intestine and are of two types:

*crypts of lieberkuhn: multicellular gland,tubullar,produce enzyme and mucus.

*brunner's gland : compound,tubular gland,found in submucosa of duodenum,produce alkaline watery juice.

the secretion of intestinal gland is collectively called succus entericus.


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