Organogenesis in frog


The process of development and formation of organ and special tissue structure of embryo from the three germinal layers is known as organogenesis.

Formation of neural tube

After the formation of three germ layers in frog, some ectodermal cells situated near notochord modify into neural plate. Neural plate slowly forms a depression called neural groove. The edges of neural groove are called as neural fold. Some ectodermal cells are scattered near neural fold, called neural crest. Two neural fold come close to each other and finally coincide and form separate neural tube and ectodermal layer. Cavity of neural tube id called neurocoel.anterior part of neural tube forms brain, while posterior forms spinal cord. Nerves are developed from neural crest.

 Formation of neural notochord

After the formation of three germinal layers, some mesodermal cells at the roof f archenteron separate from other mesodermal cells, they form a rod like structure which is the beginning of notochord. A thin membrane develops around the rod like structure known as notochordal sheath. Finally rod like structure and notochord sheath form notochord. Notochord modifies into vertebral column as well as other skeletons in the course of development. Hence, notochord is mesodermal in origin.

Formation of coelom

Coelom is also called as body cavity. It is the cavity between body wall and gut wall. The fluid inside coelom is called coelomic fluid. Frog is schizocoelomate. After the formation of three germinal layers, splitting starts in the lateral mesoderm and finally forms a u-shaped cavity called as splanchnocoel. It is the beginning of formation of coelom.
After splitting, two different layer of mesoderm are formed i.e. outer somatic mesoderm and inner visceral mesoderm. The size of splanchnocoel increases and somatic mesoderm fuses with ectoderm forming body wall. Similarly, visceral mesoderm fuses with endoderm forming gut wall. Thus coelom is formed. Hence, coelom is made up of mesodermal layer only and thus called schizocoel. It clarify that coelom is the cavity between body wall and gut wall.

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