ADIS is a transmissible disease of the immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is a lent virus (literally meaning “slow virus”; a member of the retrovirus family) that slowly attacks and destroys the immune system, the body's defense against infection, leaving an individual vulnerable to a variety of other infections and certain malignancies that eventually cause death. AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection, during which time fatal infections and cancers frequently arise.

Occurence: AIDS is widely distributed human disease found throughout the world. AIDS is appearing as global nepal first case of AIDS was reported in 1988 and now the number of AIDS patient  are 50000 to 55000

Incubation period:- 6 months to 6 years

Modes of transmission:-

Sexual inter course with infected person
The direct transfer of bodily fluids, such as blood and blood products, semen and other genital secretions, or breast milk
Sharing needles or syringes
Contaminated blood and blood products
HIV infected mother can give birth to infected child

Minor symptoms:-
Coughing for more than one month
Itching and inflamed skin
Common cold for long time genital warts, cancers
Suffering from TV
Enlargement of lymph glands

Major symptoms:-
10% body weight loss
Continuous fever for one month
Chronic diarrhea for one months
Excess loss of sweat during night
Suffering from a disease for a long time
Madness due to damage in brain cell

Diagnosis : the diagnosis of aids is made on the basis of pathological test of blood.the presence of HIV-antibodies in blood is detected by commercially prepared proteins. the process of testing HIV-antibody in blood is called ELISA test(enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay)

Preventive measures:-
Avoid sex relation with multiple people 
Use condom at intercourse
Avoid sharing of same blades, needles or syringe
Blood should be tested before transfusion
Awareness program should be launched
Women empowerment
Discourage prostitution and girls trafficking

Treatment : AIDS is still considered as fatal and incurable disease due to lack of medicene.but so far now,scientist have developed medicene that can supress the growth and development of HIV-virus inside body.this help to prolong the lifespan even being AIDS patient.the medicenes are AZT(azidothymidine), DDI(dideoxyinosine),zalcitabine. an anti parasitic drug sumarin also have been discovered that checks reverse transcriptase of virus.

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