Marasmus and Kwashiorkor



Kwashiorkor is a disease caused by the deficiency of protein. It suffers mainly the children under five years of age. The children lack enough protein after stopping breastfeeding as a result of next birth. Then, they will be malnourished in the lack of breast milk because breast milk contains enough and high quality protein. The patients are suffered from loss of appetite, swelling and diarrhea.


Swelling (oedema) of body due to retention of water. It starts from feet to head. But the skin of hip and legs are wrinkled.
Retardation of physical growth and underweight.
Skin cracks, descaling and wound.
Different skin color. In some places, it is dark whereas in some place, it is light.

Preventive measure

Increase community awareness on nutrition. Identify the patients and support for the treatment of them.
Support for the treatment of them.
In order to increase protein in the body, provide the food like milk, fish, meat, egg, beans (soyabean, gram, pea etc.) which are rich in protein.
Physical check up and measurement of height and weight regularly.
Provide nutrition and healthy education to parents.
Provide local food and seasonal fruits instead of expensive instant food with low nutritive value.



Marasmus is a protein-energy malnutrition (PEM). It causes children lean and thin because of the lack of enough food and essential nutrients (both carbohydrates and protein) for a long time. This disease mainly suffers the children. The skin of children wrinkles due to the loss of fat. Average weight of children becomes 60 percent less than other healthy children of similar age.


Getting lean and thin
Faces wrinkle like old person
Low weight for age (underweight)
Regular reduction in fat and muscle
Suffering from diarrhea
Not interested on food despite the hunger.

Preventive measure:

Increase community awareness on nutrition. Identify the patients and support for the treatment of them.
Support for the treatment of them.
In order to increase protein in the body, provide the food like milk, fish, meat, egg, beans (soyabean, gram, pea etc.) which are rich in protein.
Physical check up and measurement of height and weight regularly.
Provide nutrition and healthy education to parents.
Provide local food and seasonal fruits instead of expensive instant food with low nutritive value.

1 comment:

  1. kwashiorkor and marasmus are very dangerous diseases
