

Roundworms, particularly Ascaris luumbricoides, may cause intestinal obstruction if present in sufficient numbers. As they mature from the larval state to the adult worm, roundworms migrate through the body, causing Ascariasis, an infection characterized by fever, pneumonitis (lung inflammation), cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts), and pancreatitis. Roundworms interfere with the absorption of fat and protein in the intestine, causing diarrhea. They are eliminated with the administration of piperazine or other anthelmintics, but occasionally surgery is required for obstruction.

Occurance : ascariasis is a common world wide disease,most frequent in tropical countries including is common in person having unhygenic habits.

Incubation period-2 month

Mode of transmission:-
Faecal-oral route
Vector transmission
Lack of food hygiene

Loss of appetite
Abdominal obstruction
Nausea and vomiting
Weight loss

Diagnosis: by stool test and sometimes they are visible in stool and vomit.

Preventive measures:-
Safe drinking water
Proper disposal of excreta
Washing raw foods before eating
Maintenance of personal hygiene
Keeping clean environment
Regular medicine in interval of 6 month
Washing hand with soap and water after toilet and before food

Treatment: using anti helminthic drugs like piperazine,mebendazole and alcopar.

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